Course curriculum

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    • Welcome!

    • Introduction to CARE and the Awareness Model

    • Instructions to the study groups

    • Community guidelines

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    Week 1 - Introduction to focus and gratitude

    • Week 1: Overview

    • THEORY: An introduction to CARE meditation techniques

    • The 9 Stages of Meditation (Shamatha)

    • THEORY: Why mindfulness in urgent times

    • THEORY: Scientifically proven benefits of gratitude


    • Gratitude intro

    • INTERVENTION: Gratitude journal

    • PRACTICE: Guided gratitude

    • PRACTICE (BONUS): Gearbox - The reverse - Slow belly breathing

    • PRACTICE: Focus 1 (Mindfulness of breathing lying down)


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    Week 2 - Mindfulness of the body and the nervous system

    • Week 2: Overview

    • THEORY: The mind and meditation

    • THEORY: Introduction to interoception and meditation

    • THEORY: Window of tolerance image

    • THEORY: Introduction to the window of tolerance ( 6:27 min)

    • THEORY: What is stress? (4:42 min)

    • THEORY: Nervous system regulation

    • The Polyvagal Theory - The New Science of Safety and Trauma

    • THEORY: Trauma sensitive mindfulness

    • THEORY: Adverse meditation effects (25:30 min)

    • THEORY: (BONUS) Stress reduction correlates with structural changes in the amygdala

    • THEORY (BONUS): Meditation, Trauma and Suffering in Silence: Raising Questions about How Meditation is Taught and Practiced in Western Contexts in the Light of a Contemporary Trauma Resiliency Model

    • THEORY (BONUS): Breathing-based meditation and trauma


    • INTERVENTION: Sprinkle the day (3 min)

    • THEORY and PRACTICE: The 2nd gear in the gearbox

    • PRACTICE: The 2nd gear in the gearbox

    • Overview Gearbox focus techniques 1-4 in a table

    • Practice: Mindfulness of the body

    • PRACTICE (BONUS): Tapping to regulate one's nervous system (11:45 min)

    • PRACTICE (BONUS) 4-7-8 - for better sleep and anxiety relief

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    Week 3 - Mindfulness of thoughts and feelings

    • Week 3: Overview

    • THEORY: Acceptance

    • THEORY: Introduction to the relationship between focus and awareness

    • THEORY: Entering the Jhanas

    • The four applications of Mindfulness

    • THEORY - The five hindrances to meditation

    • PRACTICE and THEORY : The 3rd gear in the gearbox

    • PRACTICE: The 3rd gear in the gearbox

    • PRACTICE: Have a cup! (9 min)

    • INTERVENTION: Past, present, future


    • The natural state (excerpt from Gearbox)

    • Keegan Adult development content

    • Focus vs Insight meditation

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    Week 4 - happiness and heartfulness

    • Week 4: Overview

    • Heartfulness - intro to the four immeasurables

    • Intro to kindness and happiness + sound-file from retreat

    • I want to be happy - choosing happiness

    • Practice - kindness meditation

    • Empathy vs Sympathy

    • PRACTICE - Heartbreath

    • Visualization

    • PRACTICE - A safe place

    • Self compassion

    • PRACTICE - Compassion with orb of light from retreat

    • PRACTICE: Journey through focus techniques

    • Intro to compassion + sound-file from retreat

    • Compassion from its evolution to a psychoterapy

    • Is a happy life different from a meaningful one?

    • What makes a good life? Ted Talk Waldinger


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    Week 5 - prayer and manifestation

    • Overview week 5

    • The brain of the heart

    • Three emotional systems - Gilbert

    • INTERVENTION - Three emotional systems

    • The science of miracles - Greg Braden

    • Practice - Focus 3 version 3,

    • Loving kindness and social connection

    • Remembering kindness and compassion

    • Heartmath research

    • Sympathetic Joy

    • Focus - Jhanas

    • INTERVENTION: Mantras of CARE


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    Week 6 - the qualities of the heart

    • Heartfelt connection

    • Shame and guilt

    • Shame and guilt - infographics

    • I am sorry - the effective apology

    • Anxiety - (references to addiction?)

    • The power of vulnerability

    • Resilience


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    Week 7 - the inward and outward facing paths

    • Overview week 7

    • Self transcendent experiences and layers of consciousness

    • Intro to inner development and the IDG:s

    • The reality of consciousness - Peter Russel

    • The Reality of Consciousness - transcript

    • THEORY (BONUS) Self transcendence and psychedelics

    • THEORY - Varieties of self-transcendent experiences article

    • PRACTICE - Domains of awareness

    • Love is a place


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    Week 8 - the unified field of awareness and challenges in meditation

    • Emotion skills

    • Character strengths

    • VIA-research-practice-first-10-years-Niemiec-2013

    • Build-Your-Strengths

    • INTERVENTION - working on your strengths

    • The unified field

    • PRACTICE - Self-inquiry aPointing

    • The 3-p Daniel Siegel

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    Week 9 - organizational development

    • Reinventing organizations - Frederic Laloux

    • Reinventing organizations map

    • The CARE approach to organizational development

    • SCARF - Managing with the brain in mind - David Rock

    • The Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO) - Keegan

    • Pointing on awareness

    • Group assignment week 9

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    Week 10 - my changemaker mission

    • Practice - heartfulness and difficult situations

    • Ego to Eco intro - Otto Scharmer

    • Fractal approaches to scaling transformations to sustainability

    • Change through the fractal approach - a summary

    • Synchronization

    • Group assignment - Journaling with CARE

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    Week 11 - the role of the teacher

    • Liberating structures and inner development

    • The Galileo commision report

    • How Psychological Safety Affects Team Performance

    • Trust in organizations

    • The Disciplines of a Learning Organization

    • Ethics of a meditation teacher

    • Group assignment